Direct Bookings,  Hospitality Industry,  Hotel Marketing

Social Media Myths Some Hotels Believe In

Social media has become a cornerstone of hotel marketing, but are we always using it wisely? In my years working in hospitality marketing, I’ve noticed some persistent myths that can lead us astray. Let’s take a moment to unpack these misconceptions and get real about what social media can (and can’t) do for our properties.

🌟”I reach all my followers when I post”

Reality check: On average, only 2-7% of your followers will see your organic posts.


🌟”Gaining fans and followers should be a key KPI”

Think again: Engagement and your business goals are what truly matters!


🌟”Social media is all the marketing I need”

Not quite: While important, it’s just one piece of your marketing puzzle.


🌟”Boosting and advertising always work”

Hold up: While they can increase visibility, results aren’t guaranteed.


🌟”Social media is a great conversion tool”

Careful now: It’s better for awareness and engagement than direct bookings.

Understanding these realities doesn’t mean we should abandon social media – far from it! Instead, it empowers us to use these platforms more effectively. By setting realistic expectations and integrating social media into a broader marketing strategy, we can leverage its strengths while avoiding common pitfalls.

Have you encountered other myths or misconceptions? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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