Direct Bookings,  Hospitality Industry,  Hotel Marketing,  Hotel Technology

The Five Levels Hotels Need to Climb to Master CRM!

Did you know only 26% of hotels globally use a CRM? That’s a huge missed opportunity! CRM isn’t just for big brands; it’s a powerful tool for independent hotels and smaller chains to boost revenue and guest satisfaction.


👉🏻 Email marketing that pays for itself (ROI of 20-50 or more)

👉🏻 Increased revenue from upselling, cross-selling, and repeat business

👉🏻 Guests feeling truly valued with personalised experiences

Here’s your step-by-step starter guide to mastering CRM:

Level 1: Start Simple

➡️ Collect guest emails from bookings and check-in.

➡️ Send targeted email offers and promotions. (permission based)

Level 2: Personalise Your Approach

➡️ Use PMS to gather guest preferences (room type, dietary needs, etc.)

➡️ Segment email marketing based on these preferences and past purchases.

Level 3: Unlock Guest Insights

➡️ Implement a CRM system to group guests by booking habits (frequency, spending).

➡️ Identify VIPs and personalise communication based on RFM (Recency, Frequency, Monetary Value).

➡️ Use a CRM to gather guest info across all touchpoints (website, social media, phone calls).

Level 4: Automate & Delight

➡️ Set up automated email journeys based on guest behaviour (e.g., win-back emails for inactive guests).

➡️ Personalise front office greetings and guest experiences based on CRM data.

➡️ Plan surprise and delight moments for guests.

Level 5: The Guest-Centric Pinnacle

➡️ Integrate CRM with booking engines and apps for real-time personalisation (e.g., recommending preferred room types).

➡️ Leverage CRM data to personalise guest experiences across all touchpoints.

Where are you on your CRM journey?

This is a somewhat oversimplified view. It takes a lot more to get CRM right. Hopefully, the helicopter view helps visualise the possibilities. 

Start by mastering the basics, and gradually progress towards deeper guest insights and personalisation. With a CRM strategy, you can transform your hotel into a haven for loyal, happy guests.


#hotelmarketing #hotelcrm #CRM #hotels #hospitalityindustry

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